Why blog the 80s?

Due to not-so-popular yet compelling demand, I'm blogging my high school diary entries from the late eighties and early nineties.

You are more likely to enjoy this blog if:
- You were born between 1970 and 1976.
- You thought George Michael would fall in love with you if he only got to know you.
- Your Aquanet consumption easily exceeded one fushia aerosol can per month.
- You penned at least one angsty poem per week about your latest crush.
- You assiduously nursed all legitimate bouts of melancholia into sustained periods of truly impressive despair. When you consulted your journals weeks after writing about each episode, you moved yourself to tears.

of headaches and heartaches = 10.20.88

It seems like not one day goes by without me getting a headache or a heartache! I know, how corny. Yesterday, Ben really dressed up. He looked so good. And, he smelled amazing.

I try not to be sprung over him because Phoebe likes him mass, but I can't help it. Those eyes! They're this really deep blue and he has these long silky bangs the same length as the rest of his hair (all the other guys have dorky soccer hair cuts - permed and long in the back and short on top, so nerdy!) and his hair is so blonde and I just want to run my fingers through it.

Anyway, after school, he invited me to study with him. (We usually do something together every day for about two hours). He invited me even though he didn't have to. He is so sweet, and gorgeous. We didn't study. We talked... and talked and talked. We talked about so many things and he's so fun to be wtih and so fun to look at!

Today, though, we didn't see very much of each other. We didn't go running with our dogs or study or anything. Everything we do seems to be based on Biology or training our dogs: STRICTLY BUSINESS. But that is not what I feel when we are together. We are good friends. Besides my brother, Ben's my best friend who's a guy. I like that and I don't want it to change.

I had an argument with my parents and my mom is so tight! She feels the same way about me. It's pretty awful and me and my dad go at it pretty often too. I'm trying to be patient with them but not hard enough.

Anna's mom got in an accident last night. She is in the hospital! Anna is coming to stay the weekend with me. Anna hopes her mom uses the accident money to get a cool car and to go to Hawaii. Anna promises I can go, too. FUN. There's a dance this Saturday. What a great weekend!


  1. That is so great that Anna's mom could provide such a fun weekend by seriously injuring herself in a car accident!

  2. I know, right? And that she could possibly provide a cool car and a trip to Hawaii, as well!
