Why blog the 80s?

Due to not-so-popular yet compelling demand, I'm blogging my high school diary entries from the late eighties and early nineties.

You are more likely to enjoy this blog if:
- You were born between 1970 and 1976.
- You thought George Michael would fall in love with you if he only got to know you.
- Your Aquanet consumption easily exceeded one fushia aerosol can per month.
- You penned at least one angsty poem per week about your latest crush.
- You assiduously nursed all legitimate bouts of melancholia into sustained periods of truly impressive despair. When you consulted your journals weeks after writing about each episode, you moved yourself to tears.

avoiding Ben... a PS from 04.20.1989

This is the scene of the crime, and maybe the last place I will ever hear Ben's voice.

I think I'm avoiding Ben. Or maybe he's avoiding me. Not that I can blame him, after the smushed ho hos in the face while driving incident.

I had to call him later to apologize for M. But, she really needs a friend right now and he really doesn't want anything to do with her, so I can't hang out with them at the same time. Which means I get to see Charles but not Juan and Ben.

Why can't all of your friends like all of your other friends. I mean, don't they all at least have you in common?

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